March 7, 2009

Darkly Dreaming Dexter

Hmm...this is different for me. I know I'm late to the game finding out about Dexter but I'm so excited to be part of his world now. Dexter to outsiders seems handsome, polite, and quite charming. But really he's a KILLER! He only kills bad guys though. When I told my friends about this book they said, "so you like a serial killer?". But now after reading Darkly Dreaming Dexter they share my twisted love/hate for Dexter too. Dexter's thoughts are quite entertaining and funny. When some murders start springing up with a killing style similar to his own, Dexter is torn between flattery and fear. This is truly a great book and part of a great series.

February 24, 2009

White Witch Black Curse

I picked up Kim Harrison's latest book White Witch Black Curse today. I'm really excited to start reading it. I'm going to wait until friday to start the book so I can read it with no interruptions. I'm so excited!

February 17, 2009

Bone Crossed

I just finished Bone Crossed and I LOVED it! Sometimes I wish that Mercy and Stefan could be together. He's proving to be a very compelling character but I get that this series is more into the werewolf angle. This book focused on the consequences of what happened to Mercy at the end of Iron Kissed, her traveling to help a friend deal with ghosts and Adam doing some bargaining to stop the vampires from hurting Mercy and her friends. A lot going on in this book and all quite enjoyable.

February 5, 2009


Right now I'm reading Minion by L.A Banks. Definitely too much talking in the novel about what could happen and what should happen instead of it HAPPENING already. So annoying. The slang doesn't bother me much-I've gotten used to it. A very uneven book. It spikes your interest and then will have 40 dragging pages before picking up again. I'm going to try to finish it because not finishing a book is something I can't do.

February 3, 2009

Stephen King On 'Twilight' Author: 'Stephenie Meyer Can't Write Worth A Darn'

LMFAO. LMFAO. LOL. Okay. Okay. I'm calm again. It seems that Stephen King doesn't think Stephenie Meyers is a good writer. When comparing her to JK Rowling he says, "Both Rowling and Meyer, they're speaking directly to young people... The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn. She's not very good."

This is the link to the whole article.

There is something highly addicting about Twilight. You know its silly and is slowly frying your brain and yet you keep coming back for more. I wonder if Stephenie Meyers even cares about these criticisms. Well to make herself feel better she probably just looks at her bank statement.

Midnight's Daughter

I've wanted to pick this book up for awhile now. Some friends have told me it's less confusing than Ms. Chance's Cassandra Palmer series with all the time traveling. When I asked my friend how Touch the Dark was going she told at one point she didn't know what the hell was going on. She seems to be thoroughly enjoying Midnight's Daughter though.

Dory is a half-vampire, half-human. Put them together and you get dhampir. She sometimes goes into wild rages she can't control but otherwise she is a-okay. With the help of master vampire Louis-Cesare she goes to hunt down her uncle Dracula. Yep. You heard me right. Dracula. He is of course is the crulest vampire out there and unfortunately he has excaped jail. Together Dory and Louis will have to find him.

My friend tells me there is a lot of sexual tension between these two and they pretty much have a love-hate releationship. Plus there are a lot of action scenes. Love that. It sounds pretty good to me so I'll be checking this one out.

Mortal Coils

This book has definitely piqued my interest.

Nothing interesting ever happened to fifteen-year-old orphans Eliot and Fiona while they’ve lived in the strict, oppressive household of their grandmother. A chance visit, however, reveals that there is much more to the twins. They are the offspring of a goddess and Lucifer, Prince of Darkness.

Now, to settle the epic custody battle between these two families, the fallen angels create three diabolical temptations, and the gods fashion three heroic trials to test Eliot and Fiona. More than ever they need to stick together to survive and to learn how to use their budding supernatural abilities . . . for family allegiances are ever-shifting in the ancient, secret world they have entered.

Hmmmmm. It kinda has a Harry Potter feel to me. And since I love Harry Potter. (Snape I was so wrong about you) I'm going to pick this one up. The two kids are such wiseasses. Literally. They're genuises. The dialogue is fun to read and the rules crack me up. The book is over 600 pages but from I've read so far the pages fly by. Mr. Nylund has the first chapters on his website ( and the book hit stores today.

WWBC excerpt tomorrow

Whoo whooooo. I'll be able to read chapters 1 & 2 tomorrow according to kim's website. I know this is crazy but now that the time has FINALLY come to read it I'm feeling like I should wait until the 24th. I know. I know. What the hell is wrong with me. But after all this build up I'm like hmmmm should I just wait. Reading the first 2 chapters is just gonna drive me crazy for 20 more days. What to do, what to do.

Bone Crossed Yippee!

Bone Crossed Day! "It's the best time of the year..." Patricia Briggs highly anticipated 4th Mercy Thompson installment Bone Crossed comes out today. My wallet is crying because of the hardcover but I told it to shut up because we are talking about Patricia Briggs here. High quality stuff. Gotta gobble this one up right away. I want to pace myself but can't muster the strength. Damn you Ms. Briggs.

February 2, 2009

White Witch Black Curse Excerpt

I told my friends some hours ago, "Kim is gonna have the first chapter of WWBC posted today. Trust me." Lucky I didn't bet money on it. But if I had would you had blamed me? Come on its February 2. The book comes out on the 24th. I'm dying over here. I'm itching to see how the student teacher releationship with Rachel and Al shaped up. Not to mention finishing up the Kisten plot line. Atleast Ms. Harrison posted this info (below) to tide me over in her drama box at

"Got word on the excerpt late today. Chapters 1-2 can come right to your inbox later this week even before I put up my few teaser pages here. Just sign up for HarperCollins Author Tracker. Go to my web space at Harper ( ) and scroll down to the blue sign-up box, and sign up to get notices from me. (or any of their authors) I can vouch that they don't bombard you with crap, just tour updates at times, but more often releases and sneak peeks."